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Suite 430G, 9898 Bissonnet Street, Houston TX 77036
Jean $130,000 plus benefit, IVO full-time plus benefit
Elvis 105,000 plus benefit, Ijeoma $140,000 plus benefit, Lemsi six figures full time position, Elvis Feufet $130,000 plus benefit, Amanda $120,000, full time plus benefit. Synlape $95,000 full time plus benefit, Halassan full time plus benefit, Chika $166, 500 plus full time with benefit, Lud $95,000, Andy $120,000 full time plus benefit, Obinna full time plus benefit, Eric $95,000 full time plus benefit, Olu, full time with benefit.
Next class Starts March 25th, 2023 ... enrollment now on.. Call for details
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AWS- Amazon Web Services

AS The rise of cloud computing frightens some in IT, many see the technology as an opportunity to accelerate their careers and grow their bank accounts. However, AWS is the leader in cloud services and that is why we offer you training to get you started in the growing field of cloud computing. You will learn about AWS services and tools that make them the leader in cloud computing: AWS Global Infratructure, EC2, S3, VPC, IAM, Route 53, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, SNS, SQS, CloudFormation, and many more.

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